Been born in Cordova. Lawyer in Beautiful Arts by the University of Granada. 2006 IV Provincial Contest of Plastic Arts. Room Tree-lined avenue. Malaga; Gallery Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid. 2005 Personal Expressions. Castle Museum of Contemporary Art Florencio of the Fuente.Requena (Valencia); Interiors. Cajasur-GranCapitan Cordova; Room Joan Watched, Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions. Madrid; Expressions and Compositions. Box Castile the Spot. River basin. 2004 Interiors. Rectorado of the University of Malaga; LINEART Gante 2004, Belgium. Sardón gallery; Princess of Éboli: Foundation Antonio Saura, River basin. House of the Doncel in Sigüenza (Guadalajara); Show Room-Art II. Gallery Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid. 2003 Museum Perez Comendador.Hervás (Cáceres); Gallery Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid; Room-Art show. Gallery Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid. 2002 Princess de Éboli. Castle of Belmonte; River basin. Signals. Together Castile Mancha. River basin; Abstraction-Figuration. Gallery Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid. 2001 Cervantes Institute: Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt); Generational encounter. Gallery Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid; Christ in the Present Art. Gallery the Shelf. Santander. 2000 Gallery Jorge Ontiveros. Madrid. 1999 Tribute to Double Vainica. Circle of Beautiful Arts. Madrid; Gallery X. Havana (Cuba); Municipal museum of Cienfuegos (Cuba). 1996 Old M.E.A.C. Madrid; Poetic in Permanence. Inn of the Colt. City council of Cordova; Foundation Florencio of the Source, Huete (River basin); Bizantina wall. City council of Cartagena (Murcia). 1995 Gallery Poster. Granada; Encounter with the Landscape. Foundation Rodriguez Acosta. Granada; Maison R. of Valencia. Paris (France); Gallery Morillas Ascent. Granada. 1994 the Manipulation of the Objeto.Galería Jesus Puerto Granada. ; Foundation Rodriguez Acosta. Granada. 1993 Gallery Velasquez. Valladolid; Art and Ecology. Southeastern gallery. Granada. 1992 Gallery Study 52. Cordova; Exhibition hall Seat of the King. Madrid; The Coalyard. Seville; Chateau de Marconnay. France; Sterling Art Gallery. Miami (E.E.U.U); Musée Sainte Croix. Poitiers (France); Lecrín gallery. Almuñecar (Granada); Gallery TATE-TATE. Madrid; Château d´Harcourt. Chauvigny (France). 1991 Centre International Hassan II DES Recontres. Asilah (Morocco); Cuban bottom of Cultural Goods. Havana (Cuba); Foundation B.H.A. 1990 Gallery TATE-TATE. Madrid; Southeastern gallery. Granada; New creation in the Spanish present painting. Alfama gallery. Lisbon; Biennial 90. Almeria; Biennial of Sculpture. Murcia; BIAF 90. Barcelona; Traveling Postal Box: Toledo and Guadalajara. 1989 Fates and Visions Andalusian. Afinsa gallery. Madrid; INTERARTE. Gallery Poster. Valencia; Palace of the Favor. Delegation of Cordova. (Traveling to Priego and White Pozo). 1988 Hispanic Gallery 20, Madrid; Carmen-Carmen. Patio of the Culture, Tobacco grower. Madrid. MUSEUMS AND COLLECTIONS: Museum of Contemporary Art of Havana. Cuba; Museum of Contemporary Art Voluntary military service of the Reales.Sto Houses. Domingo; Delegation of Cordova. ; The Florida Museum of Hispanic and Latin American Art; Collection “Foundation American Hispanic Bank”; Ducal palace de Medina Sidonia. Sanlúcar (Cadiz); Collection Contemporary Art. Postal box; Fair of Exhibitions. Valencia; Museum Perez Commander. Hervás (Cáceres); Museum of Contemporary Art Florencio of the Fuente.Requena (Valencia); Florencio foundation of the Source. Huete (River basin); National library of Spain; Cuban bottom of Cultural Goods. Havana (Cuba); MEAC. Madrid. ---2006-2007 ----------------2006--------- ------------2005--------